New improved Calendar!
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:42 pm
You may have noticed the new site navigation bar (accessed from the MENU icon top left). It looks a bit like the old one but was built from scratch, which took much longer than anticipated. It's designed to work better with mobile devices, and only opens on mouse-down (click or touch), eliminating accidental triggering on mouse-over. The old navigator was also incompatible with new features I'm introducing.
The first of these is the improved Pennymachines Calendar. Not as pretty as the old one, but more functional because now anyone can submit events to it. If you're already a member here, it's similar to posting in the forum. It even finds a Google map location when you fill in the address! Visitors to the site who're not members can also submit events for approval by mods.
The first of these is the improved Pennymachines Calendar. Not as pretty as the old one, but more functional because now anyone can submit events to it. If you're already a member here, it's similar to posting in the forum. It even finds a Google map location when you fill in the address! Visitors to the site who're not members can also submit events for approval by mods.