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Re: Nicholson “Operating Theatre” & Canova “Problem”
Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:26 pm
by daveslot
I can't remember if I tried it. The John Bull was there but was promised to someone else, but looked incomplete.
I did later buy his French Domino, a lovely machine, which he said was the first machine he bought.
Re: Nicholson “Operating Theatre” & Canova “Problem”
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:25 am
by sweetmeats
I really hope the buyer of these models viewed them before he bid as the pictures gave a misleading idea of their condition. The Canova case seemed to have no way of opening and the Operating Theatre had been heavily and poorly restored. Despite this they sold for hammer prices of £4400 and £5000 plus the ex's. I would think at least 100% more than they were worth and if sold in a specialist auction. The Dracula 1960 model made £2700+. I believe a similar one sold about a year ago for a little over a £1000. I am sure someone will know the exact price.
Re: Nicholson “Operating Theatre” & Canova “Problem”
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:25 am
by moonriver
Plenty more where these have come from, and testing the water, with let's say some of the models chosen to go first seems to have had a desirable result!